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Texts and Identities in the Early Middle Ages

Texts and Identities in the Early Middle Ages

Richard Corradini

Helmut Reimitz, Grenzen und Grenzuberschreitungen im karolingischen Mitteleuropa, in: Grenze und Differenz im fruhen Mittelalter, ed. Walter Pohl/ Helmut Reimitz (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 1, Wien 2000) 105- 166. Helmut ...
History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western ...

History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western ...

Helmut Reimitz

Interpreting identity as an open ended process, Helmut Reimitz explores the role of Frankish identity in the multiple efforts through which societies tried to find order in the rapidly changing post-Roman world.
Die Suche nach den Ursprüngen: Von der Bedeutung des frühen ...

Die Suche nach den Ursprüngen: Von der Bedeutung des frühen ...

Walter Pohl

Helmut Reimitz, Neustrien, in: RGA 2. Aun. 21 (Berlin/New York 2002) 126-131. Helmut Reimitz, Anleitung zur Interpretation. Schrift und Genealogie in der Karolingerzeit, in: Vom Nutzen des Schreibens. Soziales Gedächtnis, Herrschaft und ...
Strategies of Distinction: The Construction of the Ethnic ...

Strategies of Distinction: The Construction of the Ethnic ...


The Construction of the Ethnic Communities, 300-800 Walter Pohl, Helmut Reimitz. OF DISTINCTION TTie Construction of Ethnic Communities, 300—800 EDITED BY WALTER POHL WITH HELMUT REIMITZ BRILL LEIDEN • BOSTON - KOLN ...
Gregory of Tours: The Merovingians

Gregory of Tours: The Merovingians


Richard Corradini, MaxDiesenberger, and Helmut Reimitz,pp. 173–212. Leiden and Boston. Dill, Samuel1926. Roman SocietyinGaulin the MerovingianAge. London. Dutton, Paul 2004. Charlemagne's Mustache and Other Cultural ...
The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: ...

The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: ...


NEW ASPECTS OF THE TEXTUAL HISTORY OF GREGORY OF TOURS' HISTORIAE Helmut Reimitz In the third book of his Historia Langobardorum, Paul the Deacon recounts the story of a devastating defeat suffered by the Franks at the ...
Approaches to the Byzantine Family

Approaches to the Byzantine Family


Wood, Ian N. (2003), 'Deconstructing theMerovingian Family', in Richard Corradini, MaxDiesenberger and Helmut Reimitz (eds), The Constructionof Communitiesin theEarly Middle Ages.Texts, Resources and Artefacts (Leiden: Brill), pp.
Die Franken

Die Franken

Ulrich Nonn

The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages. Resources and Artefacts, hg. von Richard Corradini, Max Diesen- berger, Helmut Reimitz, Leiden 2003 (= TRW Bd. 12). Corradini, R[ichard], Landnahme. In: RGA XVII, S. 602–611 .
History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western ...

History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western ...

Helmut Reimitz

... for Roman-Byzantine relations see Gantner, 'The label “Greek”'; and Gantner, ' Wahrnehmung'; for the passage see Wolfram, Intitulatio i, p. 233; for Hadrian, see also F. Hartmann, Hadrian I. I am very grateful to Clemens Gantner (Vienna) for ...
The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian

The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian


Wood, IanN.“Royal Succession and Legitimation in the Roman West, 419–536.” In Staat imfrühen Mittelalter, ed. Stuart Airlie, Walter Pohl, and Helmut Reimitz. Vienna, forthcoming. Wood, IanN.TheMerovingian North Sea. Alingsås, 1983.
Social Mobility in Late Antique Gaul: Strategies and ...

Social Mobility in Late Antique Gaul: Strategies and ...

Allen E. Jones

Richard Corradini, Max Diesenberger, and Helmut Reimitz, 1—15. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003. POH L, WALTER, ed. Kingdoms ofthe Empire: The Integration ofBarharians in Late Antiquity, TRW 1. Leiden: Brill, 1997. POHL, WALTER, with ...
Religiöser Pluralismus und das Christentum: Festgabe für ...

Religiöser Pluralismus und das Christentum: Festgabe für ...

Helmut Obst

Festgabe für Helmut Obst zum 60. Geburtstag Helmut Obst Michael Bergunder. Michael Bergunder. Religiöser. Pluralismus. und. nationale. Identität. Der. Konflikt. um. die. politische. Legitimierung. des. indischen. Staates. Im September 1990 ...


More editions

Barbara Barg Helmut Miz Vittitow says he used to be the best fighting cock in Kentucky. Helmut, that old bird. Elegy For Mother Now he squawks at the slightest stir; Guess his blindness keeps him jumpy. Barbara Barg there is so little to say ...
Market or Government Failures?: An Asian Perspective

Market or Government Failures?: An Asian Perspective

A. Bhalla

Reisen, Helmut (1995) Managing Temporary Capital Flows: Lessons from Asia and Latin America (Paris: OECD Development Centre). Reisen, Helmut (1997) ` Sustainable and Excessive Current Account Deficits', United Nations/World ...
Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600

Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600

Helmut Puff

Here, in the first history of sodomy in these countries, Helmut Puff argues that accusations of sodomy during this era were actually crucial to the success of the Protestant Reformation.


More editions

616.6'93 RC884 Ruebsaat, Helmut J The male climacteric / Helmut J. Ruebsaat and Raymond Hull. - New York : Hawthorn Books, C1975. xviii, 190 p. ; 22 cm. Includes index. ISBN 0 8015 4810 1 : $7.95 1. Climacteric. 1. Retour d'age. I. Hull  ...
The Manual of Biocontrol Agents: A World Compendium

The Manual of Biocontrol Agents: A World Compendium

More editions

Section 1 was put together with the assistance of Helmut van Emden ... Fidgett ( Novartis BCM), Wilf Powell (Rothamsted Research) and Helmut van Emden ( University of Reading); Section 4 relied on help and advice from Cam Oehlschlager ...
Pensions, Savings and Capital Flows From Ageing to Emerging ...

Pensions, Savings and Capital Flows From Ageing to Emerging ...

Reisen Helmut

Joumard, Isabelle and Helmut Reisen (1992), 'Real Exchange Rate Overshooting and Persistent Trade Effects', The World Economy, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 375–388. Kenen, Peter (1993), 'Financial Opening and the Exchange Rate Regime', in H.
Structure Elucidation by Modern NMR: A Workbook

Structure Elucidation by Modern NMR: A Workbook

Helmut Duddeck

A Workbook Helmut Duddeck, Wolfgang Dietrich, Gabor Toth. The ROESY experiment ... Ried W, Urlass G (1953) Chem Ber 86: 1101; Malik E, Hassan M, Rosenbaum D, Duddeck H (1989) Magn Reson Chem 27:391. A possible appearance ...
Financial Liberalization and Its Impact on Monetary Policy: ...

Financial Liberalization and Its Impact on Monetary Policy: ...

Christina Stahn

62, Washington, D.C. Reisen, Helmut (1993a): The "Impossible Trinity" in South- East Asia, International Economic Insights, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C, Vol. 4, No. 3, May/June, pp. 21-23. Reisen, Helmut (1993b): ...
Third Sector Policy at the Crossroads: An International ...

Third Sector Policy at the Crossroads: An International ...

Helmut K. Anheier

An International Non-profit Analysis Helmut K. Anheier, Jeremy Kendall ... or are heavilybasedupon, paperswhich appeared in VOLUNTAS, ISTR's official journal, in 1999(special issue coedited by Jeremy Kendall andHelmut Anheier).
Fiscal Policy in Open Developing Economies

Fiscal Policy in Open Developing Economies


14 Reisen, Helmut (1989a), Public Debt, External Competitiveness, and Fiscal Discipline in Developing Countries, Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 66, (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University, 1989). 15 Reisen, Helmut ...
Country responses to massive capital flows

Country responses to massive capital flows

Manuel F. Montes

Reisen, Helmut [1993a] "Capital Flows and their Effect on the Monetary Base," CEPAL Review, No. 51 (LC/G.1792-P), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), December. Reisen, Helmut [ 1993b] ...
Statistik ohne Albträume: Eine Einführung für Biowissenschaftler

Statistik ohne Albträume: Eine Einführung für Biowissenschaftler

Helmut van Emden

Der Autoren Helmut van Emden gelingt es, eine leicht verdauliche und doch fundierte Grundlage der Statistik f?r die Biowissenschaften zu kreieren.
Public Library Catalog

Public Library Catalog

Estelle A. Fidell

Library J 616.6 Diseases of urogenital system Ruebsaat, Helmut J. The male climacteric, by Helmut J. Ruebsaat and Raymond Hull. Hawthorn Bks. 1975 190p $7.95 616.6 1 Climacteric. Male lSBN 0-8015-4810-1 LC 74-18692 "Many men ...
The Influence of Ratings on International Finance Markets

The Influence of Ratings on International Finance Markets

Julia von Maltzan Pacheco

Reisen, Helmut (1999), Revisions to the Basle Accord and Sovereign Ratings, OECD Development Centre, memo, November. Reisen, Helmut and Julia von Maltzan (1998a), Rating Agencies and Financial Market Volatility, Intereconomics , ...
The International Judge: An Introduction to the Men and ...

The International Judge: An Introduction to the Men and ...

Daniel Terris

In A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, edited by Helmut Volger, 158- 161. The Hague and New York: Kluwer Law International, 2002. . "Regional Groups in the UN." In A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, edited by Helmut ...
Events and People: Events in Russian Mennonite History and ...

Events and People: Events in Russian Mennonite History and ...

Helmut Huebert

Events in Russian Mennonite History and the People that Made Them Happen Helmut Huebert. Events. an-. Events In Russian Mennonite History And The People That Made Them Happen HELMUT T. HUEBERT Springfield Publishers This ...

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